Last Updated on 20 December, 2022

Welcome to Being a Dik Episode 9 Walkthrough, where we will provide you all the tips, choices and secrets to reach the highest levels in all the relationships available in the game and to unlock all the available scenes

Previous episodes – 1 to 7 – Walkthrough, Episode 8 > Here, Console Commands, the Answers  & Vault Codes. If you want to import a save file, check here how and where to add a save file

First Steps Episode 9

  • Click on the magazine on the floor (special render)
  • I’ve got this
  • No mistakes
  • Your choices until the party planning minigame
  • Party planning minigame: It’s a matter of trial and error, until you get Tommy not to call your planning Shitty when you finish
  • Click on the magazine on the floor (special render)
  • Depending on your previous choices: Don’t Stop her (Jade) or Talk to Josy
  • Choose any after the previous choice
  • Flashback at Sage’s house: click the book on the right of the lamp behind Sage’s father > click the
    magazine on the table at the MC’s father house
  • Choose any x3
  • click on the magazine under the bench (special render)
  • I am not mad
  • Yes or No (your choice)

Being a Dik Episode 9 Walkthrough – 1st Free Roam

  • Phone > Messages:
    • Dad: 1-1-2
    • Jill: 2-2-1-1
    • Maya: always 1
    • Josy: 2-1-1-2
    • Elena: 1-1
    • Zoey: Your choices
  • Phone: Complete more phone activities if you want
  • Close the phone > Go left > click Desk > go back > go right twice > on the floor at the right side of the green screen (special render) > go down > 2nd dorm from the left > Popcorn (right side) > Click the magazine (special render
  • Go up > money on the floor on the left side of the couch > Go left > Go down > Once at the main hall Apologize
  • click the 1st door on the left to enter the kitchen, click between the two bottles on the left to unlock a special render
  • Go left > click the 3rd door from the left to enter the bathroom, click the book on top of the cabinet to unlock a special render
  • Go Down x2 > Click o  Jamie > then on Becky > then on Zoey
  • Upstairs > door on the right to get into Leon’s room > Magazine under the lamp (special render)
  • Go back and click the 1st door on the left, click on Rusty > You’re the real leader
  • Magazine on the floor at the left of Becky (special render) > Up arrow on the right > under the bat up top  (special render)
  • Click on Derek > Don’t start something > Go Back > Up > Door in the middle > magazine above the toilet’s cistern (special render)
  • Go Down > door on the right > click on Sally > Sorry Offer to help > Dont tease her > Green mixer and lime > Joke > Derek’s special bottle
  • Go down > Door > magazine on the chair (special render)
  • Go Up > magazine on the right of the plant (special render)
  • Door on the right > magazine under the bed (special render)
  • Go Down > Left door > magazine on the desk (special render)
  • Go Down > Stairs > Click the sword
  • Room on the right > magazine on the left of the bed  (special render)
  • Go back > room on the left > click on Evidence (notice Number 4) > magazine under the tv (special render)
  • Go Down twice > Stairs > magazine on the left of the pumpkin (Special render) > Click on the curtains > Magazine partially hidden (special render)
  • x2 go back > Leon > Joke is the DIK choice > Go right > click on Tommy
  • Go back to Tommy’s room  > Click on Curtains > then the Kegs > your choice > Go to Nick’s room > find the beer’s tap on his bed > go back to Tommy
  • If in Isabella’s path: Go to MC room and click on the window > I feel the same > Kiss > Any choice > Don’t choose behave > Dodge the bullet
    • If you chose body shots: Accept > Your choice > Transfer choice
      • Becky path: Pour fast > Focus
      • Tiffany path: Greet
    • If you chose drinking competition: Your choice > Your choice > Spilling doesn’t disqualify
  • If not in Isabella’s path: Go to Derek’s room

After 1st Free Roam Episode 9

  • Messages: Your choices
  • Sage’s path: Your choices
  • Jill’s Path: Try S…
  • Josy & maya’s path: Kinda Funny > Your choice
    • If Josy: Check her out
    • If Maya: Sit silent > Grunt
  • Jill’s path: Joke
  • Not on Jill’s path: Your choice
  • Not on Josy & Maya’s path: Don’t fight tonight
  • Josy & Maya’s path: Notice their hairstyles
  • Hot / Fun Costumes: You’re killing me > Grab…
  • Ok
  • Flirt
  • Tease > Kiss
  • Your choice
  • Sage’s path: I really like you
  • Jill’s Path: Your choice

Being a Dik Episode 9 Walkthrough – 2nd Free Roam

  • Phone: Complete more phone activities if you want
  • Go back to MC room > Sage > Yes > Sexy pose > Riona > Jill > Your choice > Grab her… > Joke > Go down and click on Josy > Yes > All the time or Funny pose > Click on Quinn > click on the magazine over the table (special render) > Click on the table > click the cakes > click the brown magazin on top of the drower (special render)
  • Click on the theater door > click the magazine on the right (special render)
  • Click on the Kitchen door > Fridge > go left > click table and cakes
  • Go back from the kitchen > Never > to the Main hall > Click on Quinn’s (photo quest) > Your choices
  • Upstairs > Click Leon > side with the one you didn’t support the first time
  • Left door > I bet I could > Humor him > Click sarah > Offer to get her some > go back to the table, click on the punch then give it to Sarah > Take a picture together > Sexy > Yes > Sure > Grab
  • Up arrow on the right > Derek > Go for it > Ok I’ll do it
  • Bella’s path: click on her > Scary > Click down
  • Derek’s room: If in Josy path > More & reassure > click on the nun (notice number 2)
  • Go down twice > Up twice > jakob’s room > click Zoey > Take a picture
  • Josy & Maya path: go down from the MC room > Keep on making out
  • Go to Jacob’s room: book over the drawer on the right (Special render)
  • Go to Rusty room > go down twice > Click Camila > Flirty
  • Click the stairs > Dance floor
    • Single path: Dance with Camila > Tease her
    • Sage path: Pick her up > Kiss her > Leave
    • Bella’s path: Any choice
    • Josy and Maya path: Josy > Kiss > maya > Kiss
    • Jill’s path: Kiss
  • Click the curtains: magazine on the right of the keg (special render
  • Go to MC room: Click Riona > Try to cheer her up > Hug her > Kiss
  • Go back to Main hall
    • If you choose haunted mansion: Down > Note Cage > Up arrow (key right in the middle of the screen) > shelf on the right >  green jar > torture machine (top part) > Code = code 6-9-7 > Go down > Freeezer > Lock > Insert code > hover in a specific point on the upper right of the brain > Click door and locks
    • If in Sage’s path: go back
  • Go to Main Hall: any choice > Punch him > Go back > Tommy’s room > Rusty > Main Hall > Upstairs > Left door > righ > Sage

Being a Dik Episode 9 Walkthrough – 3rd Free Roam

  • Truth > Ask (your choice)
  • right above the middle of the screen click the up arrow > hover to the right and click on Tommy > hover on the up arrow slightly on the left side of the mid-screen > click the stairs at mid-screen (notice number 3)
  • If in Jill’s path: Of course > Your choices

4th Free Roam Episode 9

  • Phone: Complete more phone activities if you want
  • Go right > Turn them away
  • Go down: Make out > go down twice > click the door > then the up arrow on the right > magazine right under the cage (special render)
  • Click on Jamie’s room: click right in the middle of the bag down-left to activate the 7th button of the pack quest
  • Go Down > Rusty’s room > click again on Rusty’s door > click on the left side of the top of the glass on the table, where the lips mark is
  • Click the door, then the stairs, then Nick’s room > click in the middle of ‘Stuff ‘ in the box on the right side of the desk
  • Go back > Jacob’s room > Go down twice > Derek’s room > click the spot right under the painting
  • Go down > then left > Up arrow on the right > click the chest of the teddy bear up top > Click Jill > go back twice then to Leon’s room > magazine on the window (special render) > Click Heather > Check her > You’re not wrong > Let her > Maybe in the future >
  • Click in the middle of the lifesaver > go down twice > click the nose of the red ghost up > click on Josy & Maya
  • Go Down > click on the ghost > Your choices > Click Nicole > Your choice > I like them bad > Your choices
  • Click on MC rom > Go back > Click the door
  • Left Door > magazine under the pumpkin (special render) > click the left side of the lantern on the floor
  • Go back > Click the stairs > click on the guy in black > Jackob > Sandy > Click the curtains > click the red beer label on the first beer from the left
  • Go back > Main Hall > Upstairs > 1st door on the left >  click Zoey
  • Tommy’s room > main Hall > Tommy
  • Go to the Porch > Click Sage > pick up the 3 costumes you like the most > go back to the porch and click on Sage > Your choices (to decide the winner)
  • Go Down:
    • Single path: Accept
    • Other path: Maybe at the club
  • Main Hall > Down > Your choice
  • Bathroom door
  • Main hall: Your choices
  • Upstairs: money near the door on the left
  • Josy and Maya path: Alone time with (your choice)
    • 1st question = Ask Maya: Which HOT is the hottest > Dare
    • 2nd question = Ask Maya: Send a n> your choice
    • 1st question = Ask Josy: Let us post > Your choice x2 > Truth > It’s for the best
    • 2nd question = Ask Josy: Dream 4s > your choice
  • Go to MC Room  > Rude > Punch him
  • Upstair’s Bathroom > Offer your clothes > click the mid of the bloody hand over the bathtub
  • Tommy’s room: click on the person passed out on the couch (notice number 2) > You have all the Vault numbers = 4232
  • Main Hall:
    • Single path: Click Quinn > Convince her or Saved myself for you > You can also end the free woam with Sara & Melanie (Kitchen), Lily (Main hall) or Maya & Josy (Left door upstairs) > Your choices
    • Other path: Upstairs > Left door > Josy & Maya > Your choices