Last Updated on 25 September, 2022

Champion of Realms Walkthrough & Guide – Unlock all the events with all the characters using our step by step guide

Follow the steps, but if you can progress with any of the characters, try to progress with the rest. If you follow our steps you will unlock all the events as we did

Champion of Realms Walkthrough – Asmedia

  1. Portal > Asmedia > Portal > Asmedia
  2. Main Street > Outlet > Explore
  3. Portal > Asmedia > click on her > Spend time with her
  4. After Heramael’s 1st step > Portal > Asmedia > Ask for help
  5. After Izanami’s 1st step > Portal > Asmedia > Tell her the good news
  6. Evening > Peak > Find Asmedia
  7. After Cleos’s 2nd step > Peak > Picnic > Come closer
  8. Portal > Asmedia > Ancient Book
  9. After Cleos’s 8th step > Morning > Peak > Talk to Asmedia
  10. Portal > Asmedia > Your choice
  11. Portal > Asmedia > Portal > Asmedia > Get in the shower > Your choice
  12. Again Portal > Ask about portals > Portal > Have fun

Champion of Realms Walkthrough – Heramael

  1. Portal > Heramael > Next Day > Portal > Heramael > Did you say you’re conducting research? > Ask her a favour > Portal > Heramael > Analysis > Use Your Mind
  2. Portal > Heramael > Energy Drink
  3. After Izanami’s 1st step > Portal > Heramael
  4. Evening > Portal > Heramael > Next Day > Portal > Heramael > Go back
  5. After Sheila’s 2nd step > Portal > Heramael > Portal Heramael > City Date
  6. Evening > Portal > Heramael
  7. Portal > Heramael > Heramael’s sister
  8. Evening > Portal > Heramael > Your choice
  9. Portal > Heramael
  10. After Exile’s 2nd step > Portal > Heramael > Portal > Heramael > sister > Portal > Heramael

Champion of Realms Walkthrough – Izanami

  1. Forest > Touch the Katana > Forest > Go to Izanami > Forest > Take Izanami to the festival
  2. After Heramael’s 9th step > Forest > Go to Izanami > Use Portal
  3. Portal > Izanami
  4. Portal > Izanami > Click on her > Talk to Izanami > Portal > Izanami > Just click on the squares > Portal > Izanami > Portal > Izanami > Portal > Izanami > Your choice > Portal > Izanami > Portal Izanami > Go to Festival > Find the Rabbit > Check everything > Your choice
  5. After Estia’s step 3 > Portal > Izanami > Festival > DONT refuse > Your choice
  6. Battle > Just click very fast
  7. After Exile’s 2nd step > Portal > Izanami

Champion of Realms Walkthrough – Cleos

  1. After the Evening Peak Event with Asmedia > Morning > Library > All
  2. Afternoon > Library > Explore Library
  3. Morning > Library > Go to Cleos
  4. After Student’s 1st step > Morning > Library > Look for Cleos
  5. Morning > Library > Go to Cleos
  6. Morning > Library > Talk to Cleos
  7. Portal > Cleos
  8. Morning > Beach > Click on the Crab
  9. After Exile’s 2nd step > Library > Cleos
  10. Afternoon > Beach > Come Closer > Cleos > Click on the heart

Champion of Realms Walkthrough – Estia

  1. After Asmedia’s Step 8 go to the park (morning)
  2. After Tsukiko 1st step go to Main Street at night > Your choice
  3. Morning > School > Next morning > School > Pool > Next Morning > School
  4. After Exile’s 2nd step > Morning > School
  5. Morning > Go to her room
  6. (Complete step 20 of Exile Walkthrough) Morning > School Pool

Champion of Realms Walkthrough – Sheila

  1. After Asmedia’s 12th Step > Your room > Speak to the girl
  2. Next morning > Speak to Sheila > Afternoon > Speak to sheila > Morning > Speak to Sheila
  3. After Exile’s 9th step > Main Street

Tsukiko Walkthrough

  • Unlocked after Izanami’s 4th step > Portal > Tsukiko > Portal > Tsukiko
  • After Exile’s 2nd step > Portal > Tsukiko

Exile Walkthrough

  1. Go to the Kitchen > Living Room > Portal
    1. Heramael’s room > Best ingredient
    2. Cleos’s room
    3. Izanami’s room
    4. Tsukiko’s room
  2. Future vision > New Life & Sleeping with girls
  3. After using the portal with all the girls > Living Room > Wait untill evening
  4. Go to Teleporter > Dusk City > Night street > Find Someone > Night street > Sleep
  5. Next morning > Dusk City > Night street > Work for Taile > Sleep > Next Afternoon > Work again
  6. Evening > Garden > Morning > Garden > Train with Maeve
  7. Forest > Find Pure Etheria
  8. Teleporter > Dusk city > Taile > Repair the house
  9. New rooms >
    1. Asmedia
    2. Heramael
    3. Izanami
    4. Estia
    5. Cleos
    6. Tsukiko
  10. After a couple of days go to the living room, visit all the girls again if they are not there
  11. New rooms >
    1. Asmedia
    2. Heramael
    3. Izanami > Clean the katana > Afternoon > Festival
    4. Estia
    5. Cleos
    6. Tsukiko
  12. Morning > Kitchen > Estia’s room
  13. Morning > Library > afternoon > library again > sleep > library read room > Cleo’s room > Next morning > Main Street > Bathroom > evening > Library
  14. Use the portal > Lab
  15. Morning > Meeting Room
  16. Morning > Teleporter > Dusk City > Night Street > Guild
  17. Evening > Living Room
  18. Evening > City > Stormy Encounter (New Character)
  19. Morning > Teleporter > Dusk City > Night Street > Strange Structure
  20. Diary Fragments:
    1. 1st – Evening > Main Street
    2. 2nd – Evening > Park
    3. 3rd – Evening > Forest > Forest

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