Last Updated on 24 November, 2021

College Kings Walkthrough & Guide – Unlock all the scenes and get all the points of the trait you want (Popular, Loyal or Confident)

College Kings Walkthrough & Guide – Key Character Trait

Based on your choices and behavior:

  • Popular: Popular, Troublemaker and also Bro Points
  • Loyal: Loyal, Boyfriend and also Bro Points
  • Confident: Confident, Boyfriend and also Troublemaker points

But Until V 0.31 walkthrough scenes don’t change depending on your trait

Even if it’s not your favourite trait, if we underline a choice, choose it always

College Kings Walkthrough & Guide – First Steps

  • Phone: Emily > Yeah I’ll see you there
  • Could be fun (+ Troublemaker) OR No (+ Boyfriend)
  • Flirt (+ Confident)
  • Make Fun (+ Troublemaker) OR Stay quiet
  • Disagree (+ Troublemaker) OR Agree (+ Boyfriend)
  • Don’t Defend OR Defend Autumn (+ Boyfriend)
  • You are cuter OR Yeah, kinda (+ Boyfriend)

1st Free Roam

  • Phone: Julia > Love you too / Emily > Yeah…i’ll see you there
  • Girl: She’s Hot (+ Bro) OR She seems nice
  • Boy: The nerds? (+ Troublemaker) OR Cool (+ Boyfriend)
  • Move forward > Couple > Nora > Flirt (+ Troublemaker) OR Leave
  • Door > Left door > Right Door > End Free Roam


  • Equally good? (+ Troublemaker) OR Wolves sound sick (+ Bro)
  • Phone > Lauren > Message her > Reply > See you later cute
  • Dodged a bullet (+ Troublemaker) OR You are Missing Out
  • Take your shirt off (+ Bro) OR Drink instead
  • Don’t Drink (+ Bro) OR You are right (+ Boyfriend)
  • They are both hot (+ Bro) OR Riley is mine (+ Troublemaker)
    •  (if Riley is mine) You are right (+ Bro) OR She wants me (+ Troublemaker)
  • Keep Dreaming > Your choice
  • Move in with me (+ Boyfriend) OR Bad roommates suck (+ Bro)
  • Yet you are here with me
  • I’ve broken into an Ikea
  • You’re Beautiful (+ Boyfriend) OR You’re not ugly (+ Bro)
  • Kiss Her
  • Phone > Ryan > Reply

2nd Free Roam

  • Couple by the stairs
  • Inside > Girl Blue Shirt
  • Girl Red shirt
    • Flirt OR Like fighters (+ Boyfriend)
    • (If troublemaker) Im fighter (+ Troublemaker) OR say you’re no
    • (If Boyfriend) New Fight King (+ Troublemaker) OR No, thats not for me
  • Go right > Boys > Yeah….(+ Bro) OR I didn’t > Girls
  • Go back & Upstairs > Door
  • Phone > Lauren > Yeah Sure
  • Downstairs > Go Left > Couple > End Free Roam


  • You ‘re right I’ll talk to her
  • Apologize (+ Boyfriend) OR Make Fun (+ Bro)
  • Empathize (+ Boyfriend) OR Poke Fun (+ Troublemaker)
  • Hmm…maybe (+ Bro) OR Not fighting (+ Boyfriend)
  • I’ll think (+ Bro) OR I wont (+ Boyfriend)
  • Phone: Lauren > Yeah / Ryan > I’m fine
  • Shout back
  • Minigame you can skip the fight or not, if not, save before
  • Kick him (+ Troublemaker) OR Walk away (+ Bro)
  • That was something
  • Okay I Guess
  • Im still single
  • It was adorable (+ Boyfriend) OR It was so funny (+ Bro)
  • Stay away from her
  • Tell Emily about Benjamin
  • Phone: Reply Josh > your choice / Aubrey > Today, buy a costume

College Kings Walkthrough & Guide – Penelope or Aubrey

Phone > Yeah…(Aubrey Path) OR Sorry (Penelope Path) > but after, choose both!

Penelope path

  • Viking:
    • Peek
    • Stop
    • You Look beatutiful (+ Boyfriend) OR I gues its nice (+ Bro)
  • Knight:
    • Peek
    • Stop
    • Flirt (+ Boyfriend) OR Agree (+ Bro)
  • Cowboy:
    • Peek
    • Stop
    • Oh come on (+ Troublemaker) OR Fine (+ Boyfriend)
  • Buy the Knight outfit

Aubrey path

  • Viking:
    • Peek
    • Risk it
    • It’s kinda hot (+ Boyfriend) OR Its something (+ Bro)
  • Knight:
    • Peek
    • Risk it
    • Looking mighty fine (+ Boyfriend) OR certainly practical (+ Bro)
  • Cowboy:
    • Peek
    • Risk it
    • Oh come on (+ Troublemaker) OR Fine (+ Boyfriend)
  • Buy the Knight outfit

College Kings Walkthrough & Guide – v.030

  • You are crazy (+ Bro) OR thats not cool (+ Boyfriend)
  • Hell yeah (+ Bro) OR She is alright
  • Ask her (+ Troublemaker) OR Don’t Question (+ Boyfriend)
  • Win the game (+ Troublemaker) OR let her win (+ Boyfriend)
  • show off (+ Bro) OR stick to…
  • Approach her (+ Bro)
  • (only if Approach her) Be Smart
  • Take of your clothes > Kiss Her
  • Aubrey Scene
  • Answer (+ Boyfriend) OR Dont answer (+ Troublemaker)
  • Shopping sounds great
  • Compliment Riley
  • Insult Ryan (+ Troublemaker) OR Walk Away (+ Bro)
  • She is into me
  • Kiss Her
  • Don’t Tell Her
  • Kiss Her
  • Reach Under (+ Troublemaker) OR Keep to yourself (+ Boyfriend)
  • Stop

College Kings Walkthrough & Guide – v.040

  • You should be more careful (+ Boyfriend) OR Lets… (+ Bro)
  • Take responsibility (+ Boyfriend & + Bro) OR Blame Ryan (+ Troublemaker)
  • Your choice, ask her or not
  • Someone punched me (+ Boyfriend) OR It was an accident (+ Troublemaker)
  • Choose a Girl
  • Buy it
  • Phone > Message Chloe and also Reply Ryan
  • Sit opposite her
  • Talk to him (+ Boyfriend & + Bro) OR Ignore him (+ Troublemaker)
  • Magic powers (+ Bro) OR I didn’t (+ Boyfriend)
  • We should watch some (+ Troublemaker) OR You should try (+ Bro)
  • You wanna go Bowling?
  • Encourage her (+ Boyfriend) OR Tease Her (+ Bro)
  • Phone > Reply Josh
  • Water (+ Boyfriend) OR Beer(+ Bro)
  • I can move (+ Boyfriend & + Bro) OR It’s my spot (+ Troublemaker)
  • I’ll join the Wolves (+ Bro) OR I don’t know yet (+ Boyfriend)
  • Sounds Good (+ Bro) OR I should stop here (+ Boyfriend)
  • Do a handstand (+ Bro) OR Drink three sips (+ Boyfriend)
  • Amber
  • Kiss her
  • Accuse her of  lying (+ Troublemaker) OR Ask about the punch

College Kings Walkthrough & Guide – v.0.53

  • It’s Chloe
  • Tell Her
  • Phone > Reply Lauren & Amber (We did, I’ll… & I give some world class massages)
  • Complaints? (+ Boyfriend) OR I don’t like… (+ Troublemaker)
  • Agree (+ Boyfriend) OR I don’t like… (+ Troublemaker)
  • Agree (+ Boyfriend, also + Bro) OR I don’t like… (+ Troublemaker)
  • Again Agree (+ Boyfriend) OR I don’t like… (+ Bro)
  • Your choice: Yes or NO
  • Continue > Do the test 3 times > Click on the lever before time runs out
  • At least we’re done now
  • Confront Adam(+ Bro) oR Leave it (+ Boyfriend)
  • Punch him (+Troublemaker) oR Talk to him (+ Boyfriend)
  • Fight
  • Yeah I’m interested (+ Bro) oR Not really (+ Boyfriend)
  • Phone > Reply Amber

College Kings Walkthrough & Guide – v.0.62

  • What do you want (Bro) OR I guess we are (Troublemaker)
  • Check (BF & Rose) or Dont disturb (Troublemaker)
  • Run after her
  • …Adventure (Bro) OR Nice dinner (BF & Evelyn)
  • Accept call (BF & Evelyn) OR Reject (Troublemaker)
  • Understanding (BF & Evelyn) or Baffled (Troublemaker)
  • Kiss her
  • Hot (bro) or Stunning (BF)
  • Joke (bro) or Smart (BF)
  • About Job (bro) or about dreams (BF & Evelyn)
  • Kiss Her
  • Phone > Reply Aubrey
  • A few different (Bro + Trouble) or No one (BF)
  • Meet Grayson (TM) or stay home (Bro)
  • Empatize (BF) or Question (TM)
  • I’m in (TM) or I’m not (Bro)
  • Save Lauren (BF) or Save Riley (Bro)
  • Text everyone
  • Praise (BF) or Mock (TM)
  • Praise (BF) or Mock (TM)
  • Mock (BF) or Praise (Bro & TM)
  • Okay (Bro) or No way (BF)
  • Act out (Bro) or Make something (TM)
  • Kiss her (TM + Bro + Penelope)
  • Free roam
    • Stairs couple: Take the shot (Bro) or Decline (BF)
    • Red dor > upstairs >
      • left door: Nora’s being stupid
      • Mid door > window > don’t defend chloe
      • Right door > Trophies > Pink things > top left picture > picture in front
    • Downstairs
      • Left door > right door > Amber > You’re (Bro) or Not gonna (BF) > Amber again in you chose You’re…
      • Back:
        • Right guys > fridge guy
        • Alex & Riley: Ask Riley (BF) or Ask Finn (Bro)
        • Couch guys: Kylie (Bro) or Kourtney (BF)
        • Aubrey: i was in love (BF & Simp) or It was nothing (TM & Bro)

College Kings Walkthrough & Guide – v.0.73

  • Why aren’t you (TroubleM & Bro) or That’s really impressive (Boyfriend)
  • Go after Nora (Boyfriend, but required for Nora path)
  • Phone > Message > kiwii > give some likes > Messages
    • Lauren
    • Penelope: We are not..
    • Riley
  • Be calm (Boyfriend) or Get Angry (Troublemaker)
  • Come clean (Boyfriend), but better Deny the cheating (Bro & Troublemaker)
  • Almost as cute as you (Troublemaker & Boyfriend)
  • Yes of course
  • Can I join
  • Phone > Lauren
  • Decide, and better Save, Apes or Wolves

Wolves Path

  • Decline
  • Continue the challenge
  • True
  • Do it
  • Pull away
  • Text her

Apes Path

  • Stand up (TM) or Hold yourself (Bro)
  • Punch (Tm) or retreat (BF & Bro)
  • Take the slip (TM and Sis number) or Decline (Bro)
  • Call her
  • Text her
  • Make fun (TM) or Say Hello (Bro)
  • Do it
  • Pull it
  • Do it
  • Do it
  • Drop the Crickets
  • Console Samantha


  • Phone > Autumn & Emily
  • Same something direct
  • Keep it light (Bro) or Reassure her (Boyfriend)
  • Left couple: Give chris advice (BF) or Agree (Bro)
  • Right guy (Elijah): Say hi (BF) or Make fun (TM & Bro)
  • Go to the left
  • Red dress girl: Defend Chloe
  • Picture: Alright, let’s go
  • Door
  • Say Something to Imre (Bro & TM) or Leave them alone (BF)
  • Door > Girl > I loke your dress (Bro) or I’ll let you get back
  • Front door > talk to her > go right and talk to the couple > your choice > back > back  > back > back
  • Nora (Left) > Agree
  • Couple: Back up Aaron (Bro) or Side with Lindsey (BF)
  • Back
  • Right
  • End the free roam with:
    • Chloe: Of course (BF) or Let’s get out (TM)
    • Riley: Alright (Act 1 Riley end)
    • Lauren: No choices

College Kings Walkthrough & Guide – v.10

  • Go to the protest (BF) or Dont (nothing)
  • Reply Chloe
  • Party (TM) or Stay Back (BF)
  • Press it (Bro) or Let it go (BF)
  • Reply Penelope
  • Offer help (BF) or Offer support (nothing)
  • Grayson (TM) or Cameron (Bro)
  • Reply Lauren & Emily
  • Take the bet (BF) or More interesting (TM)
  • Agree (TM & Bro) or No (BF)
  • Reply Riley
  • Take the glasses (BF) or Better pair (nothing)
  • Your choice: Riley’s or both
  • Reply Josh
  • Intervene (Bro) or Don’t (nothing) > Duck & Kill Joe (TM)
  • Go with her
  • Confide in Ryan (Bro) or Play it cool (nothing)
  • Flirt (BF) or dont (nothing)
  • Act excited (BF) or Nervous (nothing)
  • Accept invitation (BF) or consider it (nothing)
  • Help Nora (BF) or dont (nothing)
  • Reply Chloe
  • Your choice: Excited reply or chill
  • Reply Lauren & Riley
  • Ask (TM) or Dont (nothing)
  • Go along (Bro) or stay quiet (BF)
  • Agree (Bro) or tell Grayson… (TM)
  • Agree (Bro) or Hesitate (nothing)
  • Reply Grayson, Chloe & Ryan
  • Not (TM) or Let it (Bro)
  • Defend (TM) or Just Ask (Bro)
  • Excited reply (TM) or Hesitant (BF)
  • Reply Ryan
  • Your choice: Imre or Perry
  • Reply Riley
  • Flirt (BF) or Serious (nothing)
  • Lake:
    • Aubrey: Don’t (TM) or join (BF)
    • Ryan: Dream (BF) or Brawl (Bro)
    • Click on the rest and end the free roam

After the Lake

  • Heckle (TM or Stay quiet (nothing)
  • Grumble (Bro) or Penelope (nothing)
  • Scared (nothing) or ready (Bro)
  • Recognize (nothing) or Don’t (TM)
  • War (Bro) or Riches (Nothing)
  • Your choice: North or West
  • Choose the 2nd (right) twice
  • Shrug it off (nothing) or get defensive (TM)
  • Protest (TM) or follow orders (nothing)
  • Reply Emily > Sure
  • Ley emily (BF) or Say you were winning (TM)
  • Make a move
  • Be Macho (Bro) or dismissive (nothing)
  • Reply Lindsey & Lauren
  • Your choice: Back or hug
  • Support Lauren
  • Your choice: Cakes or statue
  • Flirt
  • Check Kiwii
  • Console Samantha
  • Joke Around
  • Ask to go out
  • Reply Lauren
  • Ask for help (nothing) or Stay Quiet (BF)
  • Correct (Bro) or dont (BF)
  • Gym: Convince her
  • Reply Chloe & Lindsey
  • Let Lindsey > Make Out
  • Complain (TM) or Deal (Bro)
  • Say Something (TM) or Keep Quiet (Bro)
  • Get Pumped (Bro) or ask (nothing)
  • Joke (Bro) or serious (bf)
  • Fight Imre
  • Answer the door
  • Reply Riley & Lindsey
  • Lindsey choices: No points, so your choice
  • Hothead (TM) or What’s…(Bro)
  • Maybe (Tm) or don’t know (nothing)
  • Favorites: Blue, Lion, Fall
  • Walk her home
  • Maybe (TM) or Just (nothing)
  • Compliment her
  • Ask about her
  • Ask to Watch
  • Your choice: top or bottom
  • Apologize or make a joke ™
  • Defend them
  • Repply Jenny
  • Invite Penelope or Go alone
  • Make a Joke

College Kings Walkthrough & Guide – v.11

  • Reassure her > Flirt > Be Supportive
  • Check it out
  • Yes
  • I don’t know
  • Agree
  • Encourage her (Tm) or let her (nothing)
  • Your choices
  • Make her a cocktail > Drink with her > Tease her > Lion
  • Yeah you should
  • Your choices
  • Let her
  • Help Nora
  • Cute (Aubrey) or Sexy (Chloe) > Rematch > Closer
  • Support him
  • Ask Why > I’d be here
  • Right > Lauren > Left > Emily > invite her > Left > Ryan > Okay (Bro) or not (TM) > Chloe > Date with Chloe > Karen > Lottery (BF) or don’t (TM) > Down > Left > Evelyn > Let’s do it > Right > Lidsey > Compliment > Paint > Mr Lee > Side with Mr Lee > Encourage her > Invite Ms Rose > down > down > rigfht > Left > left > right > Amber > Witty retort > invite her > Autumn (end free roam)
  • Chloe or Nora > Aubrey or Emily > Riley or Amber
  • Offer to turn around > others
  • Speak about penelope > Disagree > Truth > Agree > Who hacked > Do what’s right (nothing) or I won (TM)
  • Free Roam: Riley (your choice) > Jenny > Left door > right > end free roam
  • I’ll be there > Don’t defend
  • Wild > sleeping
  • Say something > Yes
  • Invite her
  • Reassure her
  • Of course
  • Reply Emily > Whats up > Your choice
  • Reply Josh > Go
  • Cool (Bro) or basic
  • Henny (Bro) or Vodka
  • Whatever you want > Sure > No > Yes > Act like family
  • The blue one > Get something > Of course > Agree > You should run
  • Ready (Bro) or one last (TM)
  • Your choices but: Balance & Good horse
  • Be excited
  • Tease her > Don’t > Of course


  • Kiss her
  • No thanks (nothing) or Like what? (Bro)
  • Save > Go after her > Load Save > Don’t go
  • Chase after Nora
  • Chloe or Riley
  • She won’t miss
  • Real (Riley) or Not Real (Nora)
  • Free roam: Riley > Seek (TM) or laugh (nothing) > Snitch > Up >Mr lee > Feel Bad > Chris < mention Nora > Right > Penelope > Flirt > Down > Down > End free roam
  • Sneak out > Agree
  • Fruity
  • Now what
  • Check
  • Your choice: Alyssa or Madison, did or didn’t, her father or me > Massage (Tm) or don’t (BF)
  • Save Lauren (BF) or Riley (Bro)
  • Of course: Griffyndor > 29 > 12 > 7 > I love you too
  • Don’t defend > Support Lindsey > Your choice > imre or Ryan
  • Something dark
  • Intervene
  • Your choice: Mr Lee or Imre & Ryan > Your choices
  • Be excited > Agree
  • Overtake > Riley’s here > Sharp > Stand up for Amber > Tease
  • Relax her
  • Chloe or Nora
  • Tell her > I Know
  • Continue
  • A little
  • Chaos
  • Amber or Riley
  • Yep
  • Choose:
    • Ms Rose: Confort her
    • Mr Lee: Pink
  • Phone: Reply
  • Apologize

College Kings Walkthrough & Guide – v.12

  • Chase after robber > Right > Dodge > Kick
  • Phone: Reply all > Reply All
  • You sure are > be bold
  • Yes
  • Nope
  • No
  • Mini Game: Talk to everyone until someone is left alone and you kill him, make your own choices, but
    • Lindsey: 1st choice (your choice) > 2nd choice: more investigators
    • Riley: Make her leave
  • Hurry
  • Convince
  • Stay out
  • Support
  • Yes
  • Lie
  • Not really
  • Don’t tell
  • Phone > reply
  • Give up > any > Help
  • Comfort > Serious > Kiss
  • Kiss
  • Click on them > Kiss > Left > ckicl on her > Marry Nora or Amber > End free roam
  • Cudd
  • Of course > Move > Share > Not at all > Tell her
  • Yes > yes > I can beat > Call > Your choice
  • Go to Nora > Support > It’s not a bad look
  • Comfort > Hold > A little
  • Get Flowers (BF) or Dont (Bro)
  • Sneak
  • Crawl
  • Nice Towel
  • Go to Nora
  • Kill
  • Phone: Reply

College Kings Walkthrough & Guide – v.13

  • Apology Accepted
  • I am
  • Choose Penelope or Aubrey
  • Yeah
  • Help Chloe (Help no one for Achievement)
  • Go with Ryan
  • Pretend…
  • Stick up for Ryan
  • Say hell yeah
  • Steady x2
  • Encourage her
  • Thanks
  • Hell Yeah
  • Impressive
  • Have fun
  • Reply: You don’t have…
  • Of course
  • I don’t see
  • I love you too
  • Text Nora
  • Free roam:
    • 1st closet: Soak that shit
    • Door
    • Toothbrush: Flush…
    • Drawer: Bleach
    • Laptop: End free roam
  • Expose him
  • Fuck yeah
  • No kids
  • City
  • No, thats too old school
  • Retired life
  • Emmy (other options are pointless)
  • Yes
  • Let her
  • Reply Amber
  • Fine
  • Okay
  • Yes
  • Why not
  • It’s up to you
  • Push him
  • I’m a liar
  • Let them
  • Free roam:
    • Nora: Kiss
    • Chris
    • Lindsey: End
  • Shoot right
  • Sure
  • Stare
  • What about you
  • They should
  • You did right
  • You’re beautiful
  • I love the outdoors
  • Keep
  • Haha okay
  • Because I like you
  • Get her chocolates
  • I meant as a date
  • Don’t go on the date
  • Do it
  • Be respectful
  • Perfume
  • Agree
  • Teach Her

College Kings Walkthrough & Guide – v.14

  • Not at all
  • Yes of course
  • Give it a try
  • Left cup
  • Take the wallet
  • Take him seriously
  • Go for it
  • Good genes
  • Yes, kinda
  • Go with her > Yes I do
  • I’m glad you waited
  • Laugh
  • Tell Imre
  • That was hilarious
  • I’ll talk to him later
  • Leave her alone
  • Your choice
  • Lindsey & Lee questions: your choices
  • He did
  • Reply phone
  • It’s idiotic


  • I’ll help
  • Joke
  • Compliment her
  • Help Lindsey
  • Help Lindsey
  • SAVE
  • Select wolves > photoshot with a real wolf > confirm
  • Talk to Chris
  • It was alright
  • It’s going great
  • We should hang out more
  • Sell Lindsey’s car > with Lindsey in them > confirm
  • That’s very selfless
  • Disagreee
  • Reply phone messages
  • Gummy Fish
  • Nice pills
  • What a…
  • Empathize with her
  • No more drugs, Amber
  • That’s a lot of preasure
  • Let her stay
  • Oh thanks
  • Of course
  • I love you too
  • Stay calm
  • Stay Still
  • Your choice
  • What about something else
  • Want me to come over?
  • Your choice
  • Phone messages
  • Accept Jenny’s invite
  • Ouch that hurts
  • Yeah I am
  • Not fair
  • Yeah, or something
  • Kiss her
  • Your watching…
  • Compliment
  • What would I say
  • Stay quiet
  • Choose (we choose Penelope)
  • Argument scene
  • Chloe
  • I’m Eli’s friend
  • She was pretty
  • Be supportive
  • Car: Click on everything from left to right > Stand there and look > your choice
  • Make a joke
  • Help Samantha be clean
  • Load previous Save
  • Apes > Seduce grayson  > confirm
  • It was alright
  • It’s going great
  • We should hang out more
  • Steal > ask chloe out > confirm
  • That’s very selfless
  • Disagreee
  • Reply phone messages
  • Gummy Fish
  • Nice pills
  • What a…
  • Empathize with her
  • No more drugs, Amber
  • That’s a lot of preasure
  • Let her stay
  • Oh thanks
  • Of course
  • I love you too
  • Stay calm
  • I got this
  • Trust Chloe
  • Not yet
  • Vape
  • Ask for details
  • What about something else
  • Want me to come over?
  • Your choice
  • Phone messages
  • Accept Jenny’s invite
  • Ouch that hurts
  • Yeah I am
  • Not fair
  • Yeah, or something
  • Kiss her
  • Your watching…
  • Compliment
  • What would I say
  • Stay quiet
  • Choose (we choose Penelope)
  • Argument scene
  • Chloe
  • I’m Eli’s friend
  • She was pretty
  • Be supportive
  • x3 Keep listening
  • Mystery box = 900 + bag = 300 take the 1200
  • Window
  • Make a joke

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