Last Updated on 30 January, 2023

Demonfall Best Breathing – Tier List – All the breathings ranked from Tier S (the best), to Tier C (the worst)

You can reset your Breathing Art using Breath indict

Demonfall Best Breathing – Tier S

Tier S: The Best breathings of the game

  • Sun Breathing: Sun Breathing is an end-game Breathing Style that revolves around close-ranged and delayed attacks. Due to having many block breakers, a Sun Breathing user should always play more aggressively while relying on the iFrame move to escape combos
  • Moon Breathing: Moon Breathing is a very skill-based breathing style. It’s moveset revolves around multi-ranged combo extenders and instantaneuos attacks, making it ideal for combos and poking. It’s a great choice in PvE, but it requires a lot of grinding to get
  • Insect Breathing: Powerful moves and stats for PvE and PvP, one of the most balanced breathings in the game

Demonfall Best Breathing – Tier A

Tier A: Above the average breathings

  • Water Breathing: This breathing style revolves around punishing and countering attacks. Due to the amount of moves that are perfect for punishing and give high mobility, it is recommended to dash backwards out of a combo, that you have blocked, and then use a lunging attack from this breath style to start your combo
  • Mist Breathing: Mist focuses on making quick attacks then quickly fading away, which is why this breathing has 1 I-frame move and 1 teleporting move. This is one of the best breathings for combos and has had frequent nerfs due to how good the combos can be
  • Flame Breathing: Flame Breathing’s moveset revolves around offense and countering. Due to how versatile the moves are, they can be used for mobility, offense, and defense. There is a counter move, and guardbreaking moves. They are all very fast in terms of cast time

Demonfall Best Breathing – Tier B

Tier B: Below the average breathings

  • Thunder Breathing: Thunder Breathing’s moveset revolves around teleporting and doing M1s to start very deadly combos. Most of the moves do low damage but are easy to hit. Thunder also has 2 moves that teleport around the target allowing for another M1 combo, Rice Spirit and Thunder Swarm

Tier C

Tier C: The worst breathings of the game

  • Wind Breathing: Wind Breathing has the most guard breaks out of any breathing with a total of 3 moves. Wind Breathing is good for ranged attack and has the most range out of all of the breaths

Other Demonfall guides: Visit the Codes, Map & Locations, Controls, Family Buffs, and the Script Pastebin Hacks, Trello Link