Last Updated on 31 March, 2022

DZSA Launcher Download & Install Guide – DayZ modded servers DayZSA – Download, Install, and How to Set Up & Use

DayZSA Launcher or DZSA Launcher is unofficial software that allows you to connect to DayZ modded servers, currently downloading any mod that the modded server requires.

DZSA Launcher Download & Install Guide – Where to Download?

Use the official page and avoid problems on your computer:

DZSA Launcher Download & Install Guide – Installation Guide

These are the steps to install the Launcher:

  • 1st Step: Go to
  • 2nd Step: Click on the red download button, at the bottom of the screen that you get to after clicking on the previous link
  • 3rd Step: Open the downloaded file (Click on “yes” if it requires it when downloading).
  • 4th Step: Choose the destination folder, if you do not want it to be saved in the default folder. But if you want it in the default folder, click Next

  • 5th Step: When you get to the next window, click Next

  • 6th Step: We recommend that you create a shortcut for your desktop, so in the next window make sure that the box is checked

  • 7th Step: You are done, all you have to do is wait for the installer to finish its work

How to Set Up & Use the Launcher?

You will see that it is quite simple. Just launch DZSA Launcher, enter your game name when prompted (you can change it whenever you want from Settings) and find and join the modded server you want. This is where the Launcher works its magic, as it automatically downloads all the required mods on the modded server you have chosen.

In any case, we leave you with a tutorial by Matthew Longtime in case you want to investigate some of the options that you can use

Command Line Parameters

-port: The DayZ server game port.

-mod: The mods loaded on the server. (eg. [email protected];@mod2;@servermod1;@servermod2)

-ignoremod: Any mods you want the mod server to ignore, make sure you use the same name/path as in the -mod parameter. (eg. [email protected];@servermod2)

-dayzserver: Specify the DayZ server executable. (use if you have changed the name of the DayZ server executable)

-skipserver: Skip loading the DayZ server

-password: Password to prevent unauthorzed download. (Must match DayZ server password)

-ip: Specify what IP address to listen on

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