Last Updated on 12 June, 2022
Pokemon Psychic Type Weakness – How to beat easy & Counters. A full detailed about Pokemon Psychic Type Weakness; Weakness, Counters, effectiveness, pokemon list and more
The best analysis in the world, on Psychic Type Weakness. Check more Pokemons and Events
Pokemon Psychic Type Weakness – Main Info
Damage multiplier in Pokemon Go; example x2 (pokemon takes double damage), x0.5 (pokemon takes half damage).
In Pokemon Go, the Pokemon Psychic Type has the following weakness:
So, a pokemon with normal or charged ghost attack will be increased by 1,6 against Psychic Type pokemon.
Pokemon Psychic Type Weakness – Best Pokemon Against Psychic Type
The following list are the best pokemon in Pokemon GO to beat Psychic Type, so check the list if you want pokemon against Psychic Type.
Find a lot of legendary pokemon and no legendary pokemon, so: Psychic Type counters; they could be the best pokemon counters against Psychic Type pokemon.
Best Pokemon to win Psychic Type are:
No Legendary Counters
- Chandelure
- Gengar
- Weavile
- Zoroark
- Volcarona
Legendary Counters
- Darkrai
- Deoxys (Attack)
- Hoopa (Unbound)
- Giratina (Origin)
- Mewtwo
More Pokemon
To beat Psychic Type, so those pokemon are used for psychic weakness, mixed legendaries and no legendaries.
- Absol
- Banette
- Kyurem (Black)
- Honchkrow
- Hydreigon
- Houndoom
- Mismagius
- Urshifu (Single Strike)
- Bisharp
- Genesect (Douse) (Chill) (Shock) (Burn)
- Tyranitar
Pokemon Psychic Type Weakness – Psychic Type Pokemon List
In the following list are Psychic Type pokemon, you will find a important list with some differences: pure Psychic Type (only have Type 1) and pokemon how are Psychic Type with a second type.
Num | Nombre | Type 1 | Type 2 |
063 | Abra | Psychic | |
064 | Kadabra | Psychic | |
065 | Alakazam | Psychic | |
079 | Slowpoke | Water | Psychic |
080 | Slowbro | Water | Psychic |
096 | Drowzee | Psychic | |
097 | Hypno | Psychic | |
102 | Exeggcute | Grass | Psychic |
103 | Exeggutor | Grass | Psychic |
121 | Starmie | Water | Psychic |
122 | Mr. Mime | Psychic | Fairy |
124 | Jynx | Ice | Psychic |
150 | Mewtwo | Psychic | |
151 | Mew | Psychic | |
177 | Natu | Psychic | Flying |
178 | Xatu | Psychic | Flying |
196 | Espeon | Psychic | |
199 | Slowking | Water | Psychic |
201 | Unown | Psychic | |
202 | Wobbuffet | Psychic | |
203 | Girafarig | Normal | Psychic |
238 | Smoochum | Ice | Psychic |
249 | Lugia | Psychic | Flying |
251 | Celebi | Psychic | Grass |
280 | Ralts | Psychic | Fairy |
281 | Kirlia | Psychic | Fairy |
282 | Gardevoir | Psychic | Fairy |
307 | Meditite | Fighting | Psychic |
308 | Medicham | Fighting | Psychic |
325 | Spoink | Psychic | |
326 | Grumpig | Psychic | |
337 | Lunatone | Rock | Psychic |
338 | Solrock | Rock | Psychic |
343 | Baltoy | Ground | Psychic |
344 | Claydol | Ground | Psychic |
358 | Chimecho | Psychic | |
360 | Wynaut | Psychic | |
374 | Beldum | Steel | Psychic |
375 | Metang | Steel | Psychic |
376 | Metagross | Steel | Psychic |
380 | Latias | Dragon | Psychic |
381 | Latios | Dragon | Psychic |
385 | Jirachi | Steel | Psychic |
386 | Deoxys Attack | Psychic | |
386 | Deoxys Defense | Psychic | |
386 | Deoxys Speed | Psychic | |
386 | Deoxys Normal | Psychic | |
433 | Chingling | Psychic | |
436 | Bronzor | Steel | Psychic |
437 | Bronzong | Steel | Psychic |
439 | Mime Jr. | Psychic | Fairy |
475 | Gallade | Psychic | Fighting |
480 | Uxie | Psychic | |
481 | Mesprit | Psychic | |
482 | Azelf | Psychic | |
488 | Cresselia | Psychic | |
494 | Victini | Psychic | Fire |
517 | Munna | Psychic | |
518 | Musharna | Psychic | |
527 | Woobat | Psychic | Flying |
528 | Swoobat | Psychic | Flying |
561 | Sigilyph | Psychic | Flying |
574 | Gothita | Psychic | |
575 | Gothorita | Psychic | |
576 | Gothitelle | Psychic | |
577 | Solosis | Psychic | |
578 | Duosion | Psychic | |
579 | Reuniclus | Psychic | |
605 | Elgyem | Psychic | |
606 | Beheeyem | Psychic | |
648 | Meloetta | Normal | Psychic |
655 | Delphox | Fire | Psychic |
677 | Espurr | Psychic | |
678 | Meowstic | Psychic | |
686 | Inkay | Dark | Psychic |
687 | Malamar | Dark | Psychic |
720 | Hoopa | Psychic | Ghost |
741 | Oricorio plácido | Psychic | |
765 | Oranguru | Normal | Psychic |
779 | Bruxish | Water | Psychic |
786 | Tapu Lele | Psychic | Fairy |
789 | Cosmog | Psychic | |
790 | Cosmoem | Psychic | |
791 | Solgaleo | Psychic | Steel |
792 | Lunala | Psychic | Ghost |
800 | Necrozma | Psychic |
Pokemon Psychic Type Weakness – Other Type Weakness
Are you interested in weaknesses of other pokemon type? Below you have a weaknesses list by pokemon type, also we recommend you to visit them, because it is a quality information list that will help you to improve in pokemon battles against gyms, in pokemon battles against raids and in pokemon pvp battles.