Last Updated on 29 March, 2022
Rhyperior Weakness Pokemon Go – Best Raid & Leagues Counters. A full pokemon detailed characteristics; rating in leagues, raid performance, stats, evolution, moves, effectiveness, counters, weaknesses, Resistances and more
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Rhyperior Weakness Pokemon Go – Weaknesses & Resistances
The multiplier is total damage received by the pokemon; example x2 (pokemon takes double damage), x0.5 (pokemon takes half damage).
Weaknesses: x2.56 Grass / x2.56 Water / x1.6 Fighting / x1.6 Ground / x1.6 Ice / x1.6 Steel
Resistances: x0.39 Poison / x0.39 Electric / x0.625 Rock / x0.625 Normal / x0.625 Flying / x0.625 Fire
Similar Pokemon
- Rhydon
- Garchomp
- Groudon
- Tyranitar
- Mamoswine (Shadow)
- Golem
- Landorus (Incarnate)
- Landorus (Therian)
Rhyperior Weakness Pokemon Go – Raid & Best Counters
The best moves for Rhyperior are Mud-Slap and Rock Wrecker when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. This move combination has the highest total DPS and is also the best moveset for PVP battles.
Raid Offense: Mud-Slap 15.4 dps & Rock Wrecker Elite TM 36.7 dps
Raid Defense: Mud-Slap 15.4 dps & Rock Wrecker Elite TM 36.7 dps
Rhyperior is a Ground/Rock type Pokémon, which makes it especially weak against Water and Grass moves, and weak against Fighting, Ground, Steel and Ice moves.
The strongest Pokemon you can use to beat Rhyperior are:
- Kingler
- Quick Move: Bubble (Water)
- Main Move: Crabhammer (Water)
- Zarude
- Quick Move: Vine Whip (Grass)
- Main Move: Power Whip (Grass)
- Roserade
- Quick Move: Razor Leaf or Bullet Seed (Grass)
- Main Move: Solar Beam or Grass Knot (Grass)
- Sceptile
- Quick Move: Bullet Seed (Grass)
- Main Move: Frenzy Plant (Grass)
- Breloom
- Quick Move: Bullet Seed (Grass)
- Main Move: Grass Knot (Grass)
Legendary Counters
- Kyogre
- Quick Move: Waterfall (Water)
- Main Move: Hydro Pump & Surf (Water)
- Groudon
- Quick Move: Mud Shot (Ground)
- Main Move: Solar Beam (Grass)
- Palkia
- Quick Move: Dragon Tail (Dragon)
- Main Move: Hydro Pump (Water)
- Mew
- Quick Move: Waterfall (Water)
- Main Move: Solar Beam or Grass Knot (Grass)
- Kyurem (White)
- Quick Move: Steel Wing (Steel)
- Main Move: Blizzard (Ice)
Rhyperior Weakness Pokemon Go – League Rating & Counters
Great League Rating & Counters
- Rank Position: 483
- Level: 15
- Best Stats: 0/14/14
- Recommended Fast Moves: Mud Slap
- Recommended Charged Moves: Rock Wrecker*, Surf
Key Wins – Best Counter Against
- Bastiodon
- Nidoqueen (Shadow)
- Drapion
- Talonflame
- Skarmory
Key Losses – Best Counters
- Medicham
- Sableye
- Azumarill
- Stunfisk (Galarian)
- Umbreon
Ultra League Rating & Counters
- Rank Position: 378
- Level: 25
- Best Stats: 0/14/14
- Recommended Fast Moves: Mud Slap
- Recommended Charged Moves: Rock Wrecker*, Surf
Key Wins – Best Counter Against
- Nidoqueen
- Talonflame
- Muk (Alolan)
- Melmetal
- Ninetales (Alolan)
Key Losses – Best Counters
- Cresselia
- Swampert
- Stunfisk (Galarian)
- Umbreon
- Giratina (Altered)
Ultra League (Premier Classic) Rating & Counters
- Rank Position: 286
- Level: 25
- Best Stats: 0/14/14
- Recommended Fast Moves: Smack Down
- Recommended Charged Moves: Rock Wrecker*, Superpower
Key Wins – Best Counter Against
- Charizard
- Typhlosion
- Crobat
- Muk (Alolan)
- Gengar
Key Losses – Best Counters
- Trevenant
- Obstagoon
- Escavalier
- Walrein
- Sylveon
Master League Rating & Counters
- Rank Position: 67
- Level: 50
- Best Stats: 15/15/15
- Recommended Fast Moves: Mud Slap
- Recommended Charged Moves: Rock Wrecker*, Surf
Key Wins – Best Counter Against
- Zekrom
- Metagross
- Dialga
- Togekiss
- Giratina (Origin)
Key Losses – Best Counters
- Gyarados
- Dragonite
- Groudon
- Mewtwo
- Lugia
Master League (Classic) Rating & Counters
- Rank Position: 50
- Level: 40
- Best Stats: 15/15/15
- Recommended Fast Moves: Mud Slap
- Recommended Charged Moves: Rock Wrecker*, Surf
Key Wins – Best Counter Against
- Melmetal
- Dialga
- Zacian (Hero)
- Togekiss
- Giratina (Origin)
Key Losses – Best Counters
- Kyogre
- Dragonite
- Groudon
- Mewtwo
- Giratina (Altered)
Master League (Premier Classic) Rating & Counters
- Rank Position: 37
- Level: 40
- Best Stats: 15/15/15
- Recommended Fast Moves: Mud Slap
- Recommended Charged Moves: Rock Wrecker*, Surf
Key Wins – Best Counter Against
- Magnezone
- Metagross
- Snorlax
- Excadrill
- Togekiss
Key Losses – Best Counters
- Gyarados
- Garchomp
- Swampert
- Dragonite
- Machamp
Love Cup Rating & Counters
No ranked
Silph Guardian Cup Rating & Counters
- Rank Position: 126
- Level: 15
- Best Stats: 0/14/14
- Recommended Fast Moves: Smack Down
- Recommended Charged Moves: Rock Wrecker*, Superpower
Key Wins – Best Counter Against
- Galvantula
- Talonflame
- Ninetales
- Skarmory
- Marowak (Alolan)
Key Losses – Best Counters
- Vigoroth
- Gourgeist (Super)
- Mantine
- Gliscor
- Pelipper
Silph Factions (Cave) Rating & Counters
- Rank Position: 134
- Level: 15
- Best Stats: 0/14/14
- Recommended Fast Moves: Mud Slap
- Recommended Charged Moves: Rock Wrecker*, Surf
Key Wins – Best Counter Against
- Graveler (Alolan)
- Aggron (Shadow)
- Aggron
- Carracosta
- Galvantula
Key Losses – Best Counters
- Vigoroth
- Gourgeist (Super)
- Mantine
- Gliscor
- Pelipper
Silph Factions (Fusion) Rating & Counters
- Rank Position: 165
- Level: 15
- Best Stats: 0/14/14
- Recommended Fast Moves: Smack Down
- Recommended Charged Moves: Rock Wrecker*, Superpower
Key Wins – Best Counter Against
- Talonflame
- Golbat
- Probopass
- Froslass
- Marowak (Alolan)
Key Losses – Best Counters
- Whiscash
- Swampert
- Abomasnow
- Ninetales (Alolan)
- Altaria
Gymbreakers Comet Cup Rating & Counters
No ranked
Rhyperior Weakness Pokemon Go – About
He likes to play with rocks, his hands are adapted for all kinds of rocks, has an extremely hard shell thanks to the alloy between rocks and rocky skin. He is an expert rock thrower with his hands, people say Rhyperior can walk into a mountain with his bare hands and make tunnel in the rocks like digging through butter.
- 464 Rhyperior
- Pokémon type: Ground / Rock
- Classification: Drill Pokemon
- Capture Rate: 5%
- Shiny Rate: 1 in 500
- Flee Rate: 5%
- Buddy Candy Distance: 3 km
- Cost for Second Charge Attack: 50,000 Stardust + 50 Candy
Maximum CP (level 40)
- Standar: 3.733
Maximum CP (level 50 & 51)
- Standar: 4.221
- Buddy: 4.271
- Attack: 241
- Defense: 190
- Stamina: 251
Quick moves
- Mud-Slap (Ground) > Damage: 18 > DPS: 15.4
- Smack Down (Rock) > Damage: 16 > DPS: 16
Main moves
- Earthquake (Ground) > Damage: 140 > DPS: 46.7
- Surf (Water) > Damage: 65 > DPS: 45.9
- Stone Edge (Rock) > Damage: 100 > DPS: 52.2
- Skull Bash (Normal) > Damage: 130 > DPS: 41.9
- Superpower (Fighting) > Damage: 85 > DPS: 28.3
- Rock Wrecker Elite TM (Rock) > Damage: 110 > DPS: 36.7
- Frustration Shadow (Normal) > Damage: 10 > DPS: 5
- Return Purified (Normal) > Damage: 35 > DPS: 50
Rhyperior Weakness Pokemon Go – Evolution
Rhyhorn > Rhydon > Rhyperior
No evolution
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