Last Updated on 3 February, 2023

Roblox Bedwars Script Pastebin Hacks – Best hacks for Roblox Bedwars, the SuperGamingBros4 and the rbxhubs scripts

Also visit the Codes, Controls, Commands, and the Kits guide

How to Execute a Bedwars Script?

  1. Get a reliable and virus-free Roblox exploit and/or script executor, like Krnl, Synapse, or JJSPloit
  2. fire the script executor up whilst in Bedwars world, then copy and paste any of the scripts we are going to provide you into the provided box and hit the Execute/Inject button

Roblox Bedwars Script Pastebin Hacks – GUI 2023

If you want the pastebin script hack link > Here

But you can check the script here:

  1. loadstring(game:HttpGet(“”, true))()

Roblox Bedwars Script Pastebin Hacks – Insta Kill 2022

If you want the pastebin script hack link > Here

But you can check the script here:

  1. local mt = getrawmetatable(game)
    local backup = mt.__namecall
    if setreadonly then setreadonly(mt, false) else make_writeable(mt, true) end

    mt.__namecall = newcclosure(function(…)
    local method = getnamecallmethod()
    local args = {…}
    if method == “FireServer” or method == “InvokeServer” and args[2] and args[2].chargedAttack then
    args[2].chargedAttack.chargeRatio = 0/0
    return backup(unpack(args))
    return backup(…)

Script Pastebin 2022 – Kill Aura, Bed Nuker, Fly, Bow Aim Bot

If you want the pastebin script hack link > Here

But you can check the script here:

  1. loadstring(game:HttpGet(“”, true))()

Roblox Bedwars Script Pastebin Hacks – SuperGamingBros4

If you want the pastebin script hack link > Here

But you can check the script here:

  1. getgenv().Main = loadstring(game:HttpGet(“”))()
  2. local camera = game:GetService(“Workspace”).CurrentCamera
  3. local Plr = game:GetService(“Players”).LocalPlayer
  4. local RS = game:GetService(“RunService”)
  5. local mouse = Plr:GetMouse()
  6. function getclosestplayertomouse()
  7. local Target = nil
  8. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService(“Players”):GetPlayers()) do
  9. if v.Character then
  10. if v.Character:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”) and v.Character:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”).Health ~= 0 and v.Character:FindFirstChild(“HumanoidRootPart”) and v.TeamColor ~= Plr.TeamColor then
  11. local pos, vis = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
  12. local dist = (, mouse.Y) –, pos.Y)).Magnitude
  13. if Main.Flags.VisCheck then
  14. if Main.Flags.Size > dist and vis then
  15. Target = v
  16. print(dist)
  17. if Main.Flags.Size > dist then
  18. Target = v
  19. return Target
  20. local circle =“Circle”)
  21. circle.Thickness = 0.1
  22. RS.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  23. local Settings = Main.Flags
  24. if Settings.Aimbot and Settings.FovCircle then — FovCircle
  25. circle.Visible = true
  26. circle.Color = Color3.fromRGB(Settings.FovRed, Settings.FovGreen, Settings.FovBlue)
  27. circle.NumSides = Settings.Smoothing
  28. circle.Radius = Settings.Size
  29. circle.Position =, mouse.Y + 35)
  30. circle.Visible = false
  31. if Settings.Aimbot then — Aimbot
  32. for i,arrow in pairs(game:GetService(“Workspace”):GetChildren()) do
  33. if arrow.Name == “arrow” or arrow.Name == “crossbow_arrow” then
  34. pcall(function()
  35. arrow:WaitForChild(“Handle”).Position = getclosestplayertomouse().Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  36. if Main.Flags.Speed then — Toggle Speed
  37. pcall(function() Plr.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 22 end)
  38. local function InvisPlayer()
  39. getgenv().InvisRunning = false
  40. wait(0.01)
  41. getgenv().InvisRunning = true
  42. pcall(function()
  43. local CFrame = Plr.Character.UpperTorso.CFrame
  44. Plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart:BreakJoints()
  45. while InvisRunning do
  46. Plr.Character.UpperTorso.CFrame = CFrame
  47. wait(0.000001)
  48. coroutine.wrap(function()
  49. while true do
  50. if Main.Flags.InstantBreak then — InstantBreak
  51. for i,block in pairs(game:GetService(“Workspace”).Map.Blocks:GetChildren()) do
  52. block:SetAttribute(“Health”, 1)
  53. local Window = Main:CreateWindow(“BedWars”)
  54. local MainTab = Window:AddTab(“Main”) do
  55. MainTab:AddToggle({Name = “Aimbot”, Flag = “Aimbot”})
  56. MainTab:AddToggle({Name = “AimBot Circle”, Flag = “FovCircle”})
  57. MainTab:AddToggle({Name = “VisCheck”, Flag = “VisCheck”})
  58. MainTab:AddSlider({Name = “Aimbot Fov”, Default = 50, Max = 500, Flag = “Size”})
  59. MainTab:AddToggle({Name = “Toggle Sprint”, Flag = “Speed”})
  60. MainTab:AddToggle({Name = “Instant Break”, Flag = “InstantBreak”})
  61. MainTab:AddText(“To get out of invisibility, just reset.”)
  62. MainTab:AddButton({Name = “Invisibility”, Callback = InvisPlayer})
  63. local SettingsTab = Window:AddTab(“Settings”) do
  64. SettingsTab:AddText(“Fov Circle Settings”)
  65. SettingsTab:AddSlider({Name = “Red”, Flag = “FovRed”, Default = 255, Max = 255})
  66. SettingsTab:AddSlider({Name = “Green”, Flag = “FovGreen”, Default = 255, Max = 255})
  67. SettingsTab:AddSlider({Name = “Blue”, Flag = “FovBlue”, Default = 255, Max = 255})
  68. SettingsTab:AddSlider({Name = “Smoothness”, Flag = “Smoothing”, Min = 12, Default = 40, Max = 75})

SuperGamingBros4 Update

If you want the pastebin script hack link > Here

But you can check the script here:

  1. loadstring(game:HttpGet(“”))()
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