Last Updated on 30 January, 2023

Roblox Funky Friday Script Pastebin Hacks – the best hacks, with Autoplay or autoplayer and more for the Lyte Interactive Roblox Game

How to Execute an Funky Friday Script?

  1. Get a reliable and virus-free Roblox exploit and/or script executor, like Krnl, Synapse, or JJSPloit
  2. fire the script executor up whilst in Funky Friday world, then copy and paste any of the scripts we are going to provide you into the provided box and hit the Execute/Inject button

Scripts may stop working after a game update. If so, we would appreciate if you leave us a comment informing, so that we can update this guide with the latest scripts, after verifying that they work

Try these, the best, Funky Friday hacks, with Autoplay, and other amazing cheats

Roblox Funky Friday Script Pastebin Hacks – Overnight Points Farm

If you want the pastebin script hack link > Here

But you can check the script here:

  1. loadstring(game:HttpGet(“”,true))()

Roblox Funky Friday Script Pastebin Hacks – Admin Animation

If you want the pastebin script hack link > Here

But you can check the script here:

  1. loadstring(game:HttpGet(“”,true))()

Script Pastebin 2022 – Update all Sick & Auto Win

If you want the pastebin script hack link > Here

But you can check the script here:

  1. loadstring(game:HttpGet(“”,true))()

Roblox Funky Friday Script Pastebin Hacks – GUI 2021

If you want the pastebin script hack link > Here

But you can check the script here:

  1. — updated 5/12/21
  2. — should choke less
  3. — updated 5/16/21
  4. — should ignore invisible notes
  5. — added hit chances and a toggle
  6. — hit chances are a bit rough but should work good enough
  7. — only tested on Synapse X
  8. — moved ui to github & removed the kick
  9. — for “free exploit” developers
  10. — you need the following functions
  11. — loadstring, HttpGet, getgc, getloadedmodules, getconnections, and set_thread_identity or whatever you call it
  12. local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(“”))()
  13. local framework, scrollHandler
  14. while true do
  15. for _, obj in next, getgc(true) do
  16. if type(obj) == ‘table’ and rawget(obj, ‘GameUI’) then
  17. framework = obj;
  18. for _, module in next, getloadedmodules() do
  19. if module.Name == ‘ScrollHandler’ then
  20. scrollHandler = module;
  21. if (type(framework) == ‘table’) and (typeof(scrollHandler) == ‘Instance’) then
  22. local runService = game:GetService(‘RunService’)
  23. local userInputService = game:GetService(‘UserInputService’)
  24. local client = game:GetService(‘Players’).LocalPlayer;
  25. local random =
  26. local fastWait, fastSpawn, fireSignal, rollChance do
  27. —
  28. — bla bla spawn and wait are bad
  29. — can also use bindables for the fastspawn idc
  30. function fastWait(t)
  31. local d = 0;
  32. while d < t do
  33. d += runService.RenderStepped:wait()
  34. function fastSpawn(f)
  35. coroutine.wrap(f)()
  36. — updated for script-ware or whatever
  37. — attempted to update for krnl
  38. local set_identity = (type(syn) == ‘table’ and syn.set_thread_identity) or setidentity or setthreadcontext
  39. function fireSignal(target, signal, …)
  40. — getconnections with InputBegan / InputEnded does not work without setting Synapse to the game’s context level
  41. set_identity(2)
  42. for _, signal in next, getconnections(signal) do
  43. if type(signal.Function) == ‘function’ and islclosure(signal.Function) then
  44. local scr = rawget(getfenv(signal.Function), ‘script’)
  45. if scr == target then
  46. pcall(signal.Function, …)
  47. set_identity(7)
  48. — uses a weighted random system
  49. — its a bit scuffed rn but it works good enough
  50. function rollChance()
  51. local chances = {
  52. { type = ‘Sick’, value = library.flags.sickChance },
  53. { type = ‘Good’, value = library.flags.goodChance },
  54. { type = ‘Ok’, value = library.flags.okChance },
  55. { type = ‘Bad’, value = library.flags.badChance },
  56. table.sort(chances, function(a, b)
  57. return a.value > b.value
  58. local sum = 0;
  59. for i = 1, #chances do
  60. sum += chances[i].value
  61. if sum == 0 then
  62. — forgot to change this before?
  63. — fixed 6/5/21
  64. return chances[random:NextInteger(1, 4)].type
  65. local initialWeight = random:NextInteger(0, sum)
  66. local weight = 0;
  67. for i = 1, #chances do
  68. weight = weight + chances[i].value
  69. if weight > initialWeight then
  70. return chances[i].type
  71. return ‘Sick’ — just incase it fails?
  72. local map = { [0] = ‘Left’, [1] = ‘Down’, [2] = ‘Up’, [3] = ‘Right’, }
  73. local keys = { Up = Enum.KeyCode.Up; Down = Enum.KeyCode.Down; Left = Enum.KeyCode.Left; Right = Enum.KeyCode.Right; }
  74. — they are “weird” because they are in the middle of their Upper & Lower ranges
  75. — should hopefully make them more precise!
  76. local chanceValues = {
  77. Sick = 96,
  78. Good = 92,
  79. local marked = {}
  80. local hitChances = {}
  81. if shared._id then
  82. pcall(runService.UnbindFromRenderStep, runService, shared._id)
  83. shared._id = game:GetService(‘HttpService’):GenerateGUID(false)
  84. runService:BindToRenderStep(shared._id, 1, function()
  85. if (not library.flags.autoPlayer) then return end
  86. for i, arrow in next, framework.UI.ActiveSections do
  87. if (arrow.Side == framework.UI.CurrentSide) and (not marked[arrow]) then
  88. local indice = (arrow.Data.Position % 4) — mod 4 because 5%4 -> 0, 6%4 = 1, etc
  89. local position = map[indice]
  90. if (position) then
  91. local currentTime = framework.SongPlayer.CurrentlyPlaying.TimePosition
  92. local distance = (1 – math.abs(arrow.Data.Time – currentTime)) * 100
  93. if (arrow.Data.Time == 0) then
  94. — print(‘invisible’, tableToString(arrow.Data), i, distance)
  95. local hitChance = hitChances[arrow] or rollChance()
  96. hitChances[arrow] = hitChance
  97. — if (not chanceValues[hitChance]) then warn(‘invalid chance’, hitChance) end
  98. if distance >= chanceValues[hitChance] then
  99. marked[arrow] = true;
  100. fireSignal(scrollHandler, userInputService.InputBegan, { KeyCode = keys[position], UserInputType = Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard }, false)
  101. — wait depending on the arrows length so the animation can play
  102. if arrow.Data.Length > 0 then
  103. fastWait(arrow.Data.Length)
  104. fastWait(0.075) — 0.1 seems to make it miss more, this should be fine enough?
  105. fireSignal(scrollHandler, userInputService.InputEnded, { KeyCode = keys[position], UserInputType = Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard }, false)
  106. marked[arrow] = false;
  107. local window = library:CreateWindow(‘Funky Friday’) do
  108. local folder = window:AddFolder(‘Main’) do
  109. folder:AddToggle({ text = ‘Autoplayer’, flag = ‘autoPlayer’ })
  110. folder:AddSlider({ text = ‘Sick %’, flag = ‘sickChance’, min = 0, max = 100, value = 100 })
  111. folder:AddSlider({ text = ‘Good %’, flag = ‘goodChance’, min = 0, max = 100, value = 0 })
  112. folder:AddSlider({ text = ‘Ok %’, flag = ‘okChance’, min = 0, max = 100, value = 0 })
  113. folder:AddSlider({ text = ‘Bad %’, flag = ‘badChance’, min = 0, max = 100, value = 0 })
  114. local folder = window:AddFolder(‘Credits’) do
  115. folder:AddLabel({ text = ‘Credits’ })
  116. folder:AddLabel({ text = ‘Jan – UI library’ })
  117. folder:AddLabel({ text = ‘wally – Script’ })
  118. library:Init()

If you found this guide helpful, you might also want to take a look at these Funky Friday guides: