Last Updated on 29 September, 2022

Welcome to Summer Memories Walkthrough & Guide, where we will provide you all the choices and secrets to reach the highest affection levels to unlock all the scenes in the game

Summer Memories Walkthrough – Raise Affection

You can raise affection with all the girls by giving them gifts or by hanging out with them, but the main charaters require some actions when the affection gets stuck at 20%, 40%, 60% or also 80%


Go to her room until you can click on the green pencil icon to do maths with her. Repeat this action until the blue bar (the homework level) gets to 100%

Rui or Rion

Buy Bug jelly (shop), then go to the mountains and spread bug jelly (by clicking on the trees), collect the bug jelly in the morning and finally go to Rui’s room until you can click on the pencil icon to do bug research. Repeat this action until the blue bar (the homework level) gets to 100%

Aunt or Miyuki

Simply wash the dishes (kitchen). Repeat this action until the blue bar (the homework level) gets to 100%

Summer Memories Walkthrough – Unlock

Bath Charge: Go to the shop, click on the machines right of the shopkeep, collect the 12 figures > go outside of the shop in the evening and click on the stuff on the head of the guy, give him the gachi and take the tape > (requires the nightwalker skill) Stay up (don’t sleep) go to the living room, click on tv and watch the tape

Toilet Charge: Buy bait (shop), go to the beach, click on the arrow to the left, then on the stream and fish until you catch the video > (requires the nightwalker skill) Stay up (don’t sleep) go to the living room, click on tv and watch the tape

3 at a time: Make enough noise with one of the sisters, until the other sister discovers it

4 at a time: Make enough noise with the two sisters, until Aunt discovers it

Full scenes: You have to buy the skills when you wake up

Summer Memories Walkthrough – Shop Keeper

Requires cousin’s laptop and many days, so start as soon as you have the laptop unlocked

  • Post daily on twitter until you receive the picture from the shop keeper with the teddy bear
  • Go to the shop and click on the teddy bear
  • Post daily on twitter until you receive a message from the shop keeper
  • Talk with her (shop)

Summer Memories Walkthrough – Beach Lady

  • Get all the fishing upgrades
  • Wait until the conversations about Treasure in the sea
  • Start fishing on the beach for a level 4 Fish
  • When you managed to catch the fish, talk to the beach lady to start the mini games

Summer Memories Walkthrough – PE Teacher

Requires 150 stamina, and you can’t start this route until the discussion about track and field

  • After the discussion about track and field go to the school
  • Talk to the PE teacher and train until you unlock all the scenes
  • Don’t skip the race, the last minigame

Summer Memories Walkthrough – Mountain Researcher

  • Once the conversation about the lady climbing trees in the mountain appears, go to the mountain and talk to the mountain researcher
  • Sell 1 fish and beetle per level

Summer Memories Walkthrough – Card Girl

  • Fight with the kids on the park 4 times, but try to do it the same day
  • Locate and fight with the dark haired kid 4 days in a row. You can find him after 1 or 2 days at night (park), then he will be back next days in the morning or afternoon
  • The card girl will arrive, then when the dark haired kid turns, click repeatedly on his picture
  • Fight the card girl, and when she turns, click repeatedly on her picture

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