Last Updated on 23 November, 2022

Warm Snow True Ending Guide – Requirements and key decisions to unlock the True Ending of the game in a single gameplay

Warm Snow True Ending Guide – Requirements

There are 4 requirements in total, make sure you meet the first two before facing the boss of chapter 4

  1. x35 Lore Item: Although not all of the 35 lore items are necessary to reach the true ending (Not sure which ones) you still need to accomplish the majority of them, especially those that pertain to the true status of our main characters.
  2. Clear Destructibles: Always destroy any trash or destructible you come across, particularly in mini-boss areas. For instance, destroying a destructible in the Jade Concubine portion of Chapter 4 will yield lore items.
  3. Tiger Captain (Chapter 4 Boss): When you beat Tiger Captain (Chapter 4 boss, the one who can use lightning), if you already have all the necessary lore items, you will notice that there is a new choice; in order to achieve the genuine ending, you should choose “Leave” or don’t kill him.
  4. Dragon Emperor (Chapter 5 Boss): You should be able to select “The Blood” after you’ve beaten the previous boss (dragon emperor, chapter 5).

Video Guide

Finally, and in case you do not mind that there are spoilers, we leave you the video of TT Game with the True Ending. Whether you want to confirm that you have achieved it, or if you do not feel like meeting the requirements and just want to see it